We’re your gals when it comes to amazing service, beautiful products, and an all-around appreciation for the artful, bold, and colorful—ALWAYS. Our team will continue to offer everything you love about Sticks and Steel… packaged slightly different. We’re bulking up our website to include all of your favorites, holding Live shopping events on Instagram and Facebook, and sharing new products daily via email and our social platforms. If you’re on the hunt for something specific, we’re still here! Set up a one-on-one shopping trip in-store or through video chat.
Whichever way you place your order, we’ll make sure it reaches you safely. We happily offer free city-wide deliver, curbside pickup, and nationwide shipping.
Our goal is to keep you and our staff and EVERYONE safe and as sane as possible.
Love and gratitude from the entire Sticks and Steel team! 💛💛💛
PS- You best stay in touch! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, join our email list, AND (not or) call us! (605) 335-7349 #needy

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