Meet Sticks and Steel's newest jewelry artist, Dolores Barrett! We are soooo lucky to be carrying her pieces, because 1.) Dolores is a internationally recognized, published glass artist and 2.) Terri discovered Dolores' work in a not-so-traditional setting.....she noticed a stunning pair of earrings worn by a commuter on a train to Washington D.C. of all places! Lucky for Terri, the wearer was also an American craft fan who knew where to find this glass art maven. Phew! The commuter shared Deolores' name and contact info and the rest is history.

Atomic Earrings in Carnelian
In 1999, Dolores took her life altering leap from church choir director and piano teacher of 20 years to...... ARTIST.
"I followed some online instructions, purchased some supplies off the internet, and dove right into what I was told was the hardest discipline to master; that being a miniature portrait. The results were encouraging enough that I wanted to delve deeper. I segued into glass after experimenting with ways to use it with my porcelain work."
Talk about grit! Now look at what she's creating.

Lava Orb Pendant Necklace in Red Ripple
The entire Orb Series was originally inspired by the Pantheon in Rome.
"I was watching a TV special on that famous landmark, and the sight of the sun shining through the enormous oculus onto the marble walls just struck a chord within me. I strive to create not only fully dimensional work, but also work that highlights the mysterious quality of the opening which instantly draws the viewer into the piece."

Interior of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy.
Orb Series Facts
- The dichroic inner lining is fused dichroic glass containing multiple micro-layers of metal oxides which give it iridescent properties.
- All surface designs are kiln-fused glass made in different layers.
- Each orb is entirely hand-finished.

Atomic Uno Pendant Necklace in Carnelian
We're in love with these beautiful, conceptual wearables, and we know that you'll appreciate them, too!
SIGNUP to meet more of our artists, and stop in to see our entire collection of Dolores Barrett's unique, glass works.
Light reflecting into the Red Ripple Lava Orb
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